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Spotlight on... New technologies and feedback in language assessment
11th June 2021

The  second in the new BAAL TEASIG webinar series shone a Spotlight on New technologies and feedback in language assessment.


We were delighted to welcome Dr Jim Ranalli from Iowa State University, USA as our invited speaker.


Invited speaker
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DR JIM RANALLI (Iowa State University, USA)


New technologies for feedback on, and assessment of, L2 writing

In this presentation, I share my recent work on technologies being used to provide automated feedback on, and facilitating new forms of assessment of, L2 writing. This includes evaluations of the popular and ubiquitous commercial tool Grammarly, conducted from various user-centric perspectives; and proof-of-concept work on the application of process-tracing technologies (i.e., keystroke logging and eye-tracking) for diagnostic and formative assessment in ESL writing classrooms.

Video available
Slides available
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