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BAAL TEASIG in-person conference returns! London, 24th June 2022

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The 2022 conference theme was ‘Horizon scanning: what next for language testing?’
The landscape of language assessment research and practice has dramatically evolved in the past two years. In this first in-person annual conference after the pandemic, we wanted to celebrate the resilience and creativity of our field, by discussing where we are and where we are going in various sub-fields of language testing.
The conference will be held at the British Council's new offices at 1 Redman Pl, Stratford, London, E20 1JQ. The location is in the east of London, close to the Olympic Park and the Stratford International railway terminal.
Registration closes on Friday June 17th.
Conference fees are:
Standard = £50

BAAL TEASIG member = £40

Student = £25

BAAL TEASIG student member = £20


Conference fees include lunch and refreshments.


Click here to register.

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We extend a huge thank you to our sponsors, without whom this conference would not be possible!
The British Council have very generously offered the conference resources of their new Stratford location and have assisted enormously in helping BAAL TEASIG hold its first live conference for three years.

We are also grateful to
Cambridge for sponsoring the costs of one of the keynote speakers and to Text Inspector for sponsoring our new BAAL TEASIG welcome material and giving all conference participants a free one-year voucher for Text Inspector.
Conference programme
Keynote speakers
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Dr Jing Xu (Cambridge University Press & Assessment, UK)

Some issues in automated scoring of language performance tests:

Methodologies, practices and ethics

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Dr John Pill (Lancaster University, UK)

Current ESP testing for health professionals: A tentative diagnosis

Paper presentations

Mina Patel (British Council & University of Bedfordshire)

From the ground up: language assessment development in the workplace

Myriam Iliovits (Lancaster University)

Language use in an English-medium instruction university in Lebanon: Implications for the validity of international and local English tests for admissions

Santi Lestari (Lancaster University)

Rater cognition in evaluating innovative constructs: Marking source use in reading-into-writing tasks

Sarah Cushing  & Haoshan Ren (Georgia State University)

Comparability of IELTS Academic and Duolingo English Test

Sha Liu & Guoxing Yu (University of Bristol)

The impact of feedback explicitness and accuracy on L2 learner's engagement with AWE feedback

Poster presentations

Ahmad Alzahrani (University of Southampton)

Positioning of English and agents in a problem-based learning programme:
an English as Medium of Instruction site

Camilo Ramos-Gálvez (Lancaster University)

Prototyping innovative tasks to diagnose academic reading in EFL teacher education programmes

Carla Pastorina-Campos (Cambridge University Press & Assessment)

Extended time in Listening tasks: what we know and what we need to find out

Geisa Davila-Perez (Lancaster University)

Translanguaging as an interactional phenomenon in oral proficiency interviews

Louise Palmour (University of Southampton)

Developing and assessing academic oracy in oral presentation tasks on UK English-medium degree programmes: current practices and future action

Shishi Zhang (University College London)

Assessing second language pragmatic competence for intercultural communication: The case of pre-sessional students in UK higher education

Programme (Final)
Conference programme for British Council screens (9-16 Portrait).png

© 2019 Site created and maintained by Dr Mark Griffiths for and on behalf of BAAL TEASIG

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